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IBI Group’s Intelligent Systems & Transit Data Teams Support Pandemic Responses Across North America & the UK

Across North America and the UK, AG平台的情报实践正在支持收费系统运营商和运输机构应对疫情导致的运输需求变化.


May 8, 2020

Transportation, both personal and commercial, 该行业是否受到为减缓COVID-19传播而实施的各种区域法规的严重影响. Leveraging IBI-developed technology already deployed in Canada, the United States and Scotland, 我们的系统设计师和交通数据专家正在开发解决方案,让驾车者了解情况,确保道路安全, 并正在为运营商提供制定应对该病毒战略所需的信息.

AG平台与安大略省交通部(MTO)合作 to develop its 511 Ontario mobile application for iOS and Android users, which includes the Trucker Mode feature recently deployed on the existing 511 ON website. Our Trucker Mode Add-on使商用车运营商能够访问有关其过境路线上重要接触点的宝贵信息, 包括在危机期间保持开放的服务站和休息站. Alongside the MTO, 我们的团队正在迅速开展工作,确保在该省采取更广泛措施应对疫情的同时,关键供应链保持正常运转.

我们的收费系统专业人员正在帮助我们的客户确保驾驶者和运营商的无缝和安全交易. In the United States, Canada, and Greece, 我们已经让我们的客户接受非接触式信用卡支付,并部署自助支付机. 我们也在帮助客户应对快速增长的电子收费账户需求, and are facilitating an increased shift toward contactless, transponder-facilitated transactions. Beyond toll collection, 我们还支持收费系统运营商监控违规行为,确保他们配备相关的视频收费技术和必要的数据记录和处理能力.

In Scotland, 我们迅速响应了该国通过国家运输机构寻求支持的呼吁. 在政府呼吁苏格兰居民在复活节周末留在原地避难之后, 苏格兰运输部热衷于对通往苏格兰高地热门目的地的偏远路线上的交通流量进行实时监控. Working with our partners at Tracsis, 我们能够在苏格兰运输部请求的几个小时内使用现有的蓝牙监控工具提供实时报告功能,以支持跨合作机构的态势感知和决策. 20 battery-powered detectors were deployed to remote locations and connected to the existing system overnight; volumetric data was then collated and reported throughout the weekend, 体现了国家对政府意愿的积极响应.

我们通过免费提供基于网络的开源软件,进一步支持运输机构 Data Tools platform, which enables our clients to create, edit and manage General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data. Within the platform, 过境机构能够更新服务日历,以反映因大流行而调整的时间表. 这包括删除不再服务的路线或行程模式, including temporary shuttle-service routes, 并审查该机构调度软件产生的直方图数据, organized by trips per day or in a timetable view. Our efforts to enable transit agencies with the data and analysis they need to respond to the pandemic are ongoing; if your agency needs assistance with GTFS data, please contact

Pictured Above: The Scottish Highlands, 通常是前往该地区人口众多的目的地的一部分(下图)

Pictured Below: Ontario 511 mobile application; Mackinac Bridge Toll Collection System in St. Ignace, Michigan; IBI Group’s open source Data Tools platform

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